We have had a Facebook fan page for about a month, and over 150 followers there, but viewing that is limited to Facebook users. This blog will allow anyone with Internet access to check up on the race team. It will also keep us from clogging the Facebook walls of those who are only mildly interested in Fart-hinder Racing. Look for that page here:

A little history: When I was visiting Sweden in 1987, walking around Gothenburg, I spied a road sign that had a couple of bumps and the words "Fart-hinder" below. I handed my camera to Tom Remedios, my traveling companion, and had him take a photo of me and the sign. After all, the phrase has a completely different meaning in English. Anyone who knows me knows that the phrase in English is appropriate.
When looking for a team name for the ChumpCar effort, I tossed out a lot of ideas to the other team members. Since our car is a Saab 900, built in Sweden, a Swedish phrase seemed appropriate. From the deep recesses of my mind came that sign in Gothenburg. Everyone agreed, it described our team on several levels, not the least of which is Scandinavian heritage on the part of most. And we are all from Minnesota, where Swedes, Norwegians, Danes and Finns are the rule.
We do accept comments. Just keep 'em clean or they will be deleted.