We have spent a bit of time on team strategy. We need to be conservative, but not so conservative that we lose places. The weekend consists of two 7-hour endurance races; that's 14 hours of racing.
Still, the team drivers are competitive, and used to running at the front. So we have been watching a video of Greg racing his vintage Mini Cooper S taken from the cockpit of another racer that was following him. That way we get to see his preferred line through the corners. Greg has raced a lot of laps on the new 2.5 mile short course at BIR, so we are relying on his experience to get it right.
Our driving order is: 1) Greg Wold, 2) Darrell Peterson, 3) John Hogdal, 4) Tim Winker. In order for everyone to get equal time behind the wheel each driver would stay on the track for 50-55 minutes and get two shifts per day. We will see how it goes.
I should also point out that Greg John and Darrell have kept their youthful physiques, while too many years of sitting on barstools and eating fast food have put me at a disadvantage to the tune of 100 pounds or more. They are generally smaller, jockey types, while I lean toward my big-boned German ancestors. Greg runs marathons. Most of my exercise comes from running off at the mouth and jumping to conclusions. The driver's seat is quite wide, and there is plenty of room for my ample derrière, so the other guys have to add lots of padding.